A free and open-source online information technology, computer training, and cybersecurity training services for beginners, experienced professionals, and families around the world.
I have used this since I was an undergrad in my cybersecurity program to learn concepts and further my knowledge in the field. I have gotten most of my jobs in the tech field by bringing up my studies from here as well as the certs I’ve earned from hands-training programs from their Cybrary Pro membership.
An online course that teaches the core concepts needed to assess, and protects information security systems. It was developed by SANS, one of the most trusted and largest sources for information security training.
I recommend taking a look at their list of Top 20 careers in Cybersecurity before scheduling a consultation with me. That way you can have a better idea of what certs you need to get, what training will best fit you, and what salary range you can expect when you get into that title.
Check it out here:
Hosts to a range of intermediate and advanced classes, along with a swath of beginner lessons that any newbie would be a fool to pass up.
A collection of videos that will teach you everything you need to operate as a bug bounty hunter.
This is a FREE udemy course is a short course of 30-45 minutes wherein any person can get an overview of the broad principles pertaining to cybersecurity law evolving internationally.
You will learn the following:
Will be able to understand the relevance and significance of cybersecurity law.
Will further learn how to deal with cybersecurity issues.
Will be able to understand the significance of cybersecurity as national security.
Will come to know about recent developments that have taken place in this area.
This is also a free online course that will help you understand online security and protect your digital life, whether at home or work. I was sent this by a coworker on the job when I was a cybersecurity engineer.
You will learn the following:
Threat landscape: terminology, cybersecurity threats, keeping up to date
Authentication: access control, passwords, two-factor authentication
Malware: types of malware, attack vectors, preventing infection
Networking and communications: fundamentals, security challenges, standards
Cryptography: symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, applications
Network security: firewalls, virtual private networks, intrusion detection/prevention
When your defenses fail: cybersecurity laws, recovering from attacks
Managing security risks: risk analysis and management
An email-based learning tool produced by Heimdal Security that sends you a nugget of cybersecurity-related advice every day, with the ultimate goal of making you safer both online and off. Please sign up for this if you are the type of person that is also getting their account hacked or just have no time to research basic online security practices. I cannot tell you how often I get DMs and emails from people asking if I can hack into one of their accounts that they lost to a hacker.
Here’s a list of all the bug bounty programs that are currently active. I am ultimately building my skills to be a penetration tester and freelance bug bounty hunter. Which is why I am doing what I am doing. How hackers benefit from Bug Bounties:
Bug bounty programs give them an opportunity to test their skills.
The challenge adds to the fun of hacking. Also, it is white-hat hacking, which means it’s ethical and completely legal.
They get cash rewards that can be quite substantial
When they win a bounty, they gain recognition among their peers
You don’t have to be extremely skilled to overview this site but if you are interested in becoming a bug bounty hunter start taking a look at a few of them daily, recording what they are looking for, and slowly building your skills to tackle some bounties.
The ultimate guide in starting a career in cybersecurity. Another resource I recommend to read through before scheduling a consultation call with me. This will give you insight on the following:
What is Cybersecurity
Why it matters
Working in Cybersecurity
The value In transitioning from a non-technical background
Cybersecurity job types
Cybersecurity as a side gig
How to get started in Cybersecurity
Is a college degree necessary
Picking a cybersecurity path
These are all things vital to know before deciding if this is the career for you or not. This will also help you get the most out of your consultation with me because once you have all of the basics down you can start working towards your study schedule. If you’re interested in getting a more in-depth summary of what you should do before scheduling a consultation with me, subscribe to my blog so you can know when my next blog post on that topic is published.
I hope this helps many of you who come across me online and ask how to get started. Please make sure to share any questions, concerns, or additional resources in the comments. You can also reach out to me through my contact page if you have any other specific questions about my consultation services or information on my website. Thanks for reading! Make sure to share with your friends interested in the Cybersecurity and tech field.