STEP 1. The Area Code
We can cut out the Area code because 10 billion North American phone numbers it far too large a list to effectively search through. Luckily for the hacker, he can cut this down thanks to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) which lays out the guidelines for phone numbers in the US.
STEP 2. Get the Last Numbers
Now that I know my target's number is 111-???-???? after searching the area code in Google. In order to get the last two numbers, we just have to go a few steps into the Facebook password reset process.
STEP 3. Get the Last Numbers
Go to the main Facebook page and click "Forgot account".
STEP 4. Get the Last Numbers
Next, they enter the target's name they have in mind and click the "Search" button.
STEP 5. Get the Last Numbers
You’ll receive a list that includes a face picture connected with each matching accounts.
STEP 6. Get the Last Numbers
Facebook kindly provides the last two digits of the targets number, along with some information about the emails accounts associated with their Facebook account, Like first and last letter.